Executive Coaching
You set yourself ambitious performance targets. You should also have similarly ambitious expectations of your coach: open and honest feedback, a working relationship of equals, empathy, ideas and help regarding your personal development– and in particular effective support in new or challenging situations!
You wouldn’t go to a dentist for heart or brain surgery so why would you expect to get effective help at work from people with little, if any understanding or personal experience of the work environment within which you operate or of the responsibilities you hold?
Using his long standing track record and international experience working for leading investment banks and law firms as well as a formal business coach qualification Ori Wiener is able to provide senior partners and managers coaching support in a number of different areas including:
Ori Wiener is accredited as a Business Coach with the WABC (World Association of Business Coaches). Click here for further details regarding his non-directive approach to coaching. Recent coaching assignments include:
Feedback from coaching client
Executive Coaching
What is executive coaching and is it relevant to you or your colleagues? Shaw & Linnecar define coaching as follows: “Coaching is for people who have the ambition to be the very best leaders they can and who know that this can only be done through critical honesty and self-awareness.”
Coaching is one of the most effective ways of supporting partners, managers and senior support staff in raising their performance on a sustainable basis. The role of the coach is to support their clients in understanding the issues or challenges they face and reaching their own solutions on how to address them. Coaches do this by providing an opportunity to discuss issues and reflecting on them. Clients play an active role throughout a coaching engagement. Key ingredients for a successful coaching relationship include absolute confidentiality, open and frank discussions and mutual respect. Coaching relationships inevitably start with an exploratory “chemistry“ session in which both sides determine if there is a basis for a relationship of equals and in which the key issues around which the coaching is to take place are explored.
As coaching covers a broad range of activities I provide some additional information regarding my approach to executive coaching. Additional information can be found under Resources and Links
I coach in English and German